
Thursday, September 7, 2017

These cats really think they are in charge!

Source: metro.co.uk

The following cats think they are in charge and exhibit such impudence! You'll need to see it to believe it.

1. The cat who is fascinated by school

Source: pawpulous
Bubba is a cute orange-and-white tabby cat from San Jose, CA. He's lived behind Leland High School and Bret Harte Middle School ever since Amber Marienthal adopted him in 2009, age 2. Bubba was originally supposed to be strictly an indoor kitty, but he made such a fuss that the Marienthals would let him out every morning.

And every morning, he would go to school. He began by attending Bret Harte, but he later turned his attention to Leland. This is where Amber's two sons, Matthew and Mark, currently go to school. At first, the Marienthals were worried about his safety, until they realized that everyone at the school, both students and faculty, had adopted him as an unofficial mascot. It's a distinction he shares with a dog named Otis from the 1960s.

2. The cat who showed the intruder who's boss. 

The video below says it all:

3. The cat who’s in charge of the nursing home

Oreo is not your normal cat. Sure, she enjoys being petted and scratched, but does so much more than lie around and demand attention. She is a therapist of sorts, bringing joy and a sense of home to the residents of the nursing home where she lives, in Cleveland, Ohio.
Residents say she has taken the place of pets they had to leave behind when they moved into the facility, and they’re happy to have her. Check out these pictures and video to see what we mean.
Oreo likes to show the residents who's really in charge.
As the video below shows, it’s not only the residents who are glad Oreo is there.


4. The cat reluctant to leave the firehouse

Source: pawpulous

 Flame, a ginger-and-white cat who walked into a firehouse one day and decided that this would be his new home.
The Belmont Fire Department in Greenville, South Carolina, wasn't looking for a new resident, but he showed up regardless.
Flame was starving when he wandered into the firehouse. He marched into the kitchen and raided all the cabinets for something to eat. Some of the firemen offered Flame some leftover fried chicken in the refrigerator, and he scarfed it down right away.
From that point on, Flame became an official part of the Belmont Fire Department family.
Flame spends his days prowling the firehouse, watching out for his beloved firefighters, and, of course, eating. He loves to engage with the firemen and firewomen by "helping" them with chores around the department, as well as giving them a mode of stress relief after a hard day of putting out fires.

5. The cat who thinks everything around house belongs to her. 

See it in the video below:

6. The cat who disobeys an order to leave. 

This stubborn cat clearly thinks he's the boss. Watch the video below:

7. The cat who can't be kept from his favorite toy. 
Take that, humans. The video says it all:


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