
Sunday, April 9, 2017

The Most Basic Emergency Skills You Should Know to Save Your Beloved Cat's life?

Cat emergency skills

It is absolutely important to know how to recognize a state of emergency when it comes to your pet's health because your companion cannot tell you where it hurts. The acts of first aid are often simple but unfortunately little known to cat masters.

1. Poisoning

How can a cat get intoxicated?

Cats poisoning is quite common among this felines and can bring many products in suspicion. The cat can also ingest chemicals such as herbicides or insect repellents, toxic plants, drugs or dangerous critters such as toads and caterpillars.
What are the signs that should alert you?
- Abatement
- Tremors
- Fever
- Paralysis
- Salivation
- Coma

What to do in case of poisoning?

In case of poisoning, transport your cat as soon as possible to the veterinarian; the latter will make your cat immediately vomit what it had eaten.
You can also surround it with cushions to prevent it from being injured during convulsions.
What to avoid in case of poisoning?

In case of poisoning, do not make your cat drink milk.
2. Wounds

Action to take in case of sores

For a superficial or deeper wound, it is important to use a mild antiseptic instead of alcohol for disinfection. Disinfect daily so that the wound does not close too fast and does not fester. Do not count on the cat's so-called "bactericidal" saliva.

- For superficial wounds, cut hairs if necessary and rinse with clean water before applying a disinfectant. If necessary, use a dressing that leaves the wound ventilated so as not to adversely impact wound healing and to avoid any superinfection.

- For deeper wounds, proceed in the same way as for a superficial wound to clean and disinfect. Then go to your veterinarian as soon as possible so that he sutures the wound if need be.

3. Hemorrhage

What type of hemorrhage is it?

These are large blood losses, which can be internal (blood does not flow but accumulates inside the animal's body) or external (blood flows on a visible wound) and more or less serious.

What are the symptoms ?

In case of external hemorrhage, the symptoms are of course evident as the blood flows from a visible wound.
In case of internal haemorrhage, the only signs indicating the case are breathing with perceptible difficulty and hence, fatigue and mucous membranes more and more pale because of the cat losing a huge amount of blood.

What are the best things to do in case of bleeding?

In case of external hemorrhage, if the bleeding is not too great, you can squeeze the wound to stop it with sterile compresses or a clean tissue. Caution: a compressive dressing must not be tightened in the first lap; you will tighten it a bit then more and more as you proceed lapping.
If, on the other hand, bleeding is serious, put a compression bandage (tight) upstream of the wound and return as soon as possible to the veterinarian.
In case of internal bleeding, consult an emergency veterinarian, even in the event of a minor accident.

What acts to avoid in case of bleeding?

Never leave the same withers on the wound for more than an hour.

4. Snakebites

In case of snake bites, never try to remove the venom from the animal because the bitten area is most often extremely painful. Cool the area with ice to slow the progression of the venom and take your cat as soon as possible to a veterinarian who is able to carry up a specific emergency treatment.

5. Fractures

A fracture is visible when an animal limps without support: the paw in question is suspended and has an abnormal appearance; the leg is often swollen. If the fracture is located elsewhere than on a paw, the animal should have locomotor difficulties.

What to do in case of a fracture?

- Closed fractures: avoid moving the animal and consult a veterinarian quickly. To make a splint, place a piece of wood on each side of the injured limb that you attach with a dressing: this will suffice for transportation.
- Open fractures: never touch the wound at the risk of infecting the bone. Go to a veterinarian as soon as possible.


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