
Thursday, April 6, 2017

Beaten, Tortured, Traumatized ... This Cat is Genuine SURVIVOR!

cat being beaten

Bowie did not steal her surname of Survivor. Abused, horribly tortured and abused several times, he recovered each time and found solace in the arms of the human who rescued, fed, and sheltered him when he could no longer afford the horror of this world. The following is the real story of this survivor as would have been told were he has a tongue and verbal linguistic means to lie his life days on papers. We’ve done that on his behalf!
I am Bowie and this is my story, the story of a survivor who, despite human cruelty, has kept faith in Man.
In 2012, I met a woman for the first time who came to rent the house I was living in waiting for my first master. Well, it was not always easy, I often got brush strokes on my ass and ill-treated the whole time. She felt at ease treating me like this; what the heck , I am only a cat on its own! I was hungry and afraid but I could still sleep in the barn. Then one day she left, the same way she had come, without a look back or a slight regret. But I continued to settle the house. Who knows, maybe someday, she'd come back ...

A new meeting

One day I saw a big tomcat with a grumpy look along with his mistress, Barbara. I watched them for a long time, but keeping a distance. I was a bit scared.
And then, on a fine May day, my nose got caught to irresistible smell of grilled barbecue prawns.
It took me a long time to get close. Were I still going to get blows? But the voice was friendly and sweet and I saw Luky very quiet in the garden. I was so hungry ... You could see my ribs coming off my skin!
Hunger  spoke louder than my fear. I approached, a little bit reassured by the voice. And then the smell at the end of this outstretched hand was so tempting ... So I took my courage and threw myself on this shrimp that smelled so good. I scampered like crazy to eat, hidden, safe. It was so good! And no yelling, no strokes. So I went back. There was another prawn and then another. A real party! For years I was dying of hunger, I burst the stomach of food, it was huge meal!
After that experience, I got closer more and more and Luky was rather friendly. The following month I became more confident and took out my fatal weapon: my velvet paws, my beautiful eyes, hence came my name: Bowie.

The beginning of happiness then hell

The one that was to become my future master, Barbara, was beginning to crack. Soon after having Barbara around I had my meal every night and a kennel with blankets set only for me. I could see that despite her words  like "no it is not my cat, it is the one of the house", she showed deep tenderness and sweetness towards me. When the winter came she cuddled me (not too much either because I did not like to get touched too much) and she added bottles of hot water in my kennel to keep me warm.
I was getting better and better, I had more and more confidence. Suddenly, one day bad guys snatched me from the comfort of my new home, tie-imprisoned me, and let me starving...
A real Survivor as I am, I managed to escape and I took refuge in my kennel; thin, the neck damaged by the rope that had been put around it. Barbara had been looking for me everywhere. I saw how worried she was and how relieved she looked to find me. She was also angry, not because of me, but because of those evil creatures who had me undergo all these sufferings.

A strong bond

Then I saw that she was smothering me more. One day, a strange roar came out of my throat. I was so surprised that I feigned at the same time! In fact, it was just my first purring. I did not know that the hand of man could be so sweet, that the caresses were so gentle.
She tried every now and then to throw me stuff with strings, which sometimes made funny noises. I saw her grieve at my indifference. I have to tell you that I was so busy surviving that I did not know how to play. Neither should I come near my bowl when I was eating, otherwise I would growl. But that was when I began to feel confident and happy.

A real survivor

One day, I got caught again by evil, and was doomed to suffer the horror of torture once more time. I got my body smashed mercilessly and they even punctured one of my eyes. As soon as I could escape, I did not think twice, I came straight into Barbara's arms. I fet so much sadness in his eyes.
Barbara immediately took matters into her own hands and took me to a nice veterinary doctor, Dr. Marion. I loved her so much! She did radios and when she saw the results, she called me Survivor. In addition to the new injuries, I had already had a double fracture of the jaw, broken ribs ... wounds that could have been fatal for a stray cat. And yet I was still alive and endowed with an incredible thirst for life!
Me the vagabond, chased by evil, I eventually found a great house, a lovely mum, a feline brother, Luky, and, recently, a canine brother, Marius. With love and patience I learned to regain confidence. I play a lot. Barbara says I'm a real kitten, I've just rehabilitated.


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